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Torgbi Kpemini Gawu V Chairs Inter Party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) of Anloga District

The NCCE Department of the Anloga District in the Volta region has constituted an Inter Party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) Chaired by Torgbi Kpemini Gawu V. The committee is to preach and instill peace before, during and after the 2024 elections in Ghana.

Torgbi Kpemini Gawu V, who is a traditional ruler from Anloga-Whuti and was a lecturer at the University for Development Studies is deputized by the two constituency party Chairmen, Mr. Rolex Agbey Miheso (NDC Chairman) and Mr. Joseph Adranyi (NPP Chairman).

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The main aim of the committee with the support of the NCCE District Director, Torgbi Hatsu III, is to inform the people, preach peace and organize outreach programmes to sensitize the communities in and around the Anloga District on the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

As part of the Committee’s mandate, the Committee will put together schedules to meet Chiefs, the good people of Anloga and the surrounding communities, market women, other organized groups and educate them on the values of peaceful elections. And ensures that the Churches and Mosques use their platforms to preach peace to the people as well as Traditional worshipers.

Torgbi Kpemini Gawu V suggested to the EC Chairperson to request for a record board to be used at the collation centers for the purpose of transparency. He stressed that, “Awadzorgbe Tukpe me nya fome o”; Loosely translates as “In times of war, bullet does not discriminate, it can hit anybody or any family”.

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According to sources, this is a Nationwide programme and the Anloga District is so poised to work assiduously to ensure incident free election and educate the people on how to conduct themselves before, during and after the elections.

The District Police commander, Mr. Ben Samani and the District Chairperson of Electoral commission, Madam Evelyn Wutor were also in attendance and spoke about the roles of the security services and the EC respectively during the election period.

OneForumNews1 speaking to one of the members of the committee, Mr. John Yao Agbetsiafa, he stated that it is the hope of the committee members to do their best in getting to the base of the communities and educate the people on how valuable it is to have a peaceful and violence free elections in 2024.


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