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Over 1.5 Million reported house Break-ins in 2023/2024 - Stats-South Africa

A recent Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) report has focused on household and individual crime levels in South Africa, as well as the perception of residents regarding their safety.

Household burglaries have been a consistent occurring crime in South Africa but have been on the rise since 2021. With housebreak-in statistics showing an uptick from 4.6% to 5.9% and house robberies increasing from 0.6% to 1.1%.

The distinct differentiation between the reported housebreakings/robberies reported in the statistics publication is that a housebreaking is an unlawful access with criminal intent, whereas home robbery is direct interaction with individuals, frequently involving intimidation or violence.

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Approximately 44% of homes who suffered a housebreak-in reported some or all incidents to police.

During these housebreak-ins/burglaries, many individuals have also reported incidents of assaults and motor vehicle theft.

Throughout 2023/24 and an estimated 1.5 million housebreak-ins were reported,

impacting 1.1 million homes across South Africa, which constitutes 5.9% of households in the country.

Individuals are most likely to be victims of theft of personal belongings, with street robbery coming in second. Individuals who are aged 16 and older are the most affected by theft.

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An estimated 1,4 million incidents of theft of personal property occurred in 2023/24, impacting 1,3 million persons aged 16 and older.

The victims of assault stated that the most commonly utilized weapon during assaults was a knife. In which, some or all were reported to the police.

Approximately 80% of individuals aged 16 and above and females in particular indicated they felt safer after taking precautions to protect themselves from crime.

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The recent StatsSA report reveals that both household and individual crime rates are on the rise, with many South Africans feeling unsafe in their own communities.

StatsSA has recorded, that as of the second quarter of 2024, South Africa’s official unemployment rate stands at 33.5%. This marks an increase from 32.9% in the first quarter of the year.

The current unemployment and recent report on crime in South Africa highlight the critical need for comprehensive steps to improve security measures and address the underlying causes of crime.

This report highlights an urgent call for law enforcement to improve safety perceptions and reduce the crime rate across the country.

Community members can also play a vital role in enhancing safety by introducing neighborhood watch initiatives and reporting suspicious activities to the police.


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