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The Royal Akamu Stool of Anlo-Afiadenyigba and the Current Occupant

The royal Akamu stool was founded by the great Akamu who was born in the 18th Century in Woe, one of the 36 States of Anlo. He was born in the days that current literature and documentation of the Anlos were not common. However, the oral literature vividly captured all his heroic acumen and achievements.

Torgbi Akamu V, the current occupant of the stool, epitomizes all those great qualities as display in the present day of Chieftaincy. His contributions towards development and progress of his people over these few years is enormous. Very affable, hardworking and very industrious man that values creation of jobs and bringing good things to his people.

For the purpose of this write-up, I will refer to the old “Torgbi Akamu” as “Torgbi Akamu I” and the current occupant of the stool as “Torgbi Akamu V” as designated.

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History rightly taught us that at the time that Torgbi Akamu I was growing up, bravery at wars was the instrument to measure who a true leader was. And Torgbi Akamu I, the fearless and great one, apart from been a warrior, was a hunter and a fisherman.

His bravery and display of gallantry made him to be rewarded with the royal Akamu stool of Anlo-Afiadenyigba. Which was mystically created for him. And among the Anlos of Ghana, West Africa, all the Royal stools apart from the Ancestral Stools were created and founded by great warriors. And their descendants like Torgbi Akamu V, inherit them till today. As the adage goes, “Ame torgbi fe fudu fe ye wo dua fu do”.

Despite Torgbi Akamu I was born in Woe, his occupation and quest for greatness made him to travel in and around other cities and villages. He became very powerful and later migrated from Woe to settle at Bekpo. Bekpo, being an island was mostly in the past heavily affected by seasonal floods.

Torgbi Akamu I, realizing the dangers of the flood, relocated to Nolorpui through his relation Amega Salu, who was an earlier settler of the place named “Salu-Korpe”.

For the records, Chieftaincy and Clans among the Anlos are inseparable and Torgbi Akamu I is from the Tovia Clan of the present day Anlo-Afiadenyigba, in the Volta region of Ghana.

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There were great display of bravery and heroic achievements by Torgbi Akamu I in the days of wars. He was instrumental in leading a revenge war for the defeat of most Anlo's warriors in the Agoe Adzigo War I.

In the first war between 1860-1863, many Anlo warriors who participated were reportedly killed. But the people of Afiadenyigba were not part of the first war, hence Torgbi Akamu I wasn’t involved.  So they were brought in for the revenge war in 1865.

Torgbi Akamu I, spiritually prepared his people before the war with the help of his War god “Kpakuga”. The people of Anlo went to the War and defeated the people of “Agoe Adzigo”, which famously became known as the “second Agoe Adzigo War”.

As a great warrior, Torgbi Akamu I had many laurels at war and many titles to to be proud of and revered till today. As part of the achievements, Torgbi Akamu I was rewarded with “Ete fia of Anlo”, for his spiritual protection and provision of food for the warriors. 

In his lifetime, Torgbi Akamu I, subsequently participated in other wars defending his people including but not limited to:

1. 1869-1871 – “Agortime Gbedzidzawu War”.

2. 1871-1874 – “Datsutagba War”

3. 1885-1886 – “Talento War of Whuti”.

It is without doubt that once you are a Chief among the Anlos, definitely you will have other gods and deities that are associated with either the land or the stool you occupy. That is why most stools’ houses have “Avanyevi” and “Ade” accompanying the Stools. Detailed research on these two deities can be found in our earlier publications.

The “Avanyevi” deity is a god, which some call “Egu”, comprising mostly with materials made with iron, and it normally moves with “Ade”. “Avanyevi” is prayed to with “softer drinks”, Edzatsi, etc, and “Ade” is prayed to with “deha”, “Aliha”, “Dzorkortorbi”, etc.

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Moreover, in the case of Torgbi Akamu I, according to the literature available to us, he is also in charge of the olden days’ deity by name “Dzomanyifie” that reportedly came with the land that he occupies.

As customs and traditions demanded then, there was the need for rituals to be performed for Torgbi Akamu I to harmoniously coexist with the deity. Hence, they performed the rituals, which can best be described as a covenant to be true and sincere to each other.  

Torgbe Akamu I, reigned for many years. And after he joined his ancestors at the age of 98, the line of succession was drawn and today we have Torgbi Akamu V, who is working tirelessly to make his reigns remarkable and memorable for his generation and the generations unborn. And deserves our supports at all costs.

Torgbi Akamu V was enstooled about three years ago and he is the current occupant of the Akamu Royal Stool of Anlo-Afiadenyigba.

Among the Anlos, Chieftaincy is from the paternal lineage.

And under his reigns and authority, the Royal Akamu stool will regain its fame, glories and be remembered by posterity.  As Torgbi is already contributing greatly to the progress and development of the youth, who are the future leaders. And a role model that many look up to.

Torgbi Akamu V is an astute entrepreneur and businessman. He is the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sadaco Brothers Business Ventures (SBBV) across the country Ghana. Torgbi is also involved in other economic ventures across the country, including Real Estate, Education, Salt Mining and Export, among others.

Long live Torgbi Akamu V and may his reign remains forever.


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