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Togbe Afede XIV’s Influence in Uplifting the Image of Asorgli State’s Yam Festival

According to oral tradition, the good people of the Asorgli State are known to have migrated from Notsie in Togo. And the great leadership traits of the great Asor, the founder of the Asorgli State who cut through the thick walls of Notsie for the escape of the Dogbos and their neighbours from the tyrant Togbe Agorkorli, (Mamattah, 1976), are still reflecting.

Those same leadership traits adorned with modern regalia are what his descendant, Togbe Afede XIV has assumed and leading the way in the development and progress of his people. Among his numerous achievements, Togbe has positioned the annual “Teza” or Yam festival as one of the best festivals in Ghana and beyond.

                  Photo credit: "Bonecstasyimages"

The Asorgli State is one of the shining stars of Ghana and the world in general. In all these, the credit goes to the able leadership of Togbe Afede XIV, the current occupant of the “Agbogbome Stool” and his Chiefs and elders, whose visions and goals have reshaped the Asorgli State and given a new light to the Yam festival of the people of Asorgli in the Ho Municipality of the Volta region since 2004 till today.

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The Yam festival, which is yearly given a golden and historic touches is an annual festival celebration that brings people from far and near to the Asorgli State to commemorate the discovery of yam by a legendary hunter. And to give thanks to the almighty God through the smaller gods and Ancestors for a bumper harvest and ask for more blessings throughout the next farming seasons.

Also, the festival aims to foster unity through forgiveness and reconciliation, to mobilize both human and material resources of Asorgli for jobs and wealth creation. And to serve as an annual re-affirmation of allegiance by all Chiefs and their subjects in the Asorgli State to the great “Agbogbome stool”.

               Photo credit to: "Bonecstasyimages"

The Yam festival is celebrated by all the divisions of the Asorgli State; Bankoe Division, Have Division, Ahoe Division, Dome Division, Hliha Division, Ho Traditional Council, among others.

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It is celebrated annually in September and this year’s, will be held under the theme, “Let’s Ensure Freedom and Justice for All”. The grand durbar of Chiefs is always preceded by many activities.

From the magnificent launching, great seminar for Chiefs from all over Ghana and neighbouring Countries, intellectual discussions, developmental activities, bringing of investors, “teyruyru” and tourism activities opening the entire Volta capital to business. Hunting for talents, social activities, cleaning activities, beauty pageant and all climaxed by a grand durbar of Chiefs and people of the Asorgli State and dignitaries from home and abroad.

                        Photo credit: Asorgli State's website

Rich cultural displays and artifacts, as well as exhibition of the magical powers by the “Asafo” groups are the side attractions epitomizing the beauty of tradition and culture of the people of Asorgli.

Historically, irrespective of who you are and where you come from, you can’t dispute the fact that ‘Te’ is an Ewe name in general and Asorgli word that was coined out of the description given by a great hunter in the olden days. “Te”, loosely translates as “to become turgid”.

It was narrated that a hunter on a hunting expedition discovered the tuber in a thick forest and though it was a dry and famine season, he was not selfish to consume it alone. Rather, he left it to germinate and till today it is a viable source of income for many in and around the Asorgli state of the Volta Region. 

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If only all of us can be that selfless like that great hunter, and selfless like the current occupant of the "Agbogbome Stool" of the Asorgli State, Ghana will surely go far.

In the olden days, Hunters, Priests, Herbalists were mostly the leaders of most Ewe tribes. That is why most for the people that have war Stools, Ancestral Stools, among others, their forefathers were either Hunters, Priests or Herbalists. Because they led wars in the past and Stools mystically created for them, (Ameevor, 1994).


                        Photo credit: "Bonecstasyimages"

If the name “Te” and cultivation are historically attributed to your forebears, then there is no doubt that the people of Asorgli owe it a duty to always commemorate and celebrate this tuber crop that brought life and economic power to their people.

Yam festival is also celebrated by the Ewes in Notsie, their ancestral home and a very valuable crop among the Igbos of Nigeria. Despite highly labour intensive, the forefathers meticulously and dutifully preserved this tuber crop for our generation to carry on with. That is why despite all the economic difficulties and challenges Ghana is facing today, this generation must work hard together to preserve this Country for the next generation.

Further, the Yam festival or ‘Teza’ is one of the greatest and well patronized festivals in Ghana. Patronized by the young and old, the rich and the poor, Chiefs and Politicians, this giving credence to how Monarchy or Royalty is older than Democracy. And citizens acknowledging the fact that Royalty can never be dusted by the modern-day democracy that has eroded the moral decency of the people.

                           Photo credit: "Bonecstasyimages"

Togbe Afede XIV’s role and legacies of giving a new life to Royalty and celebration of historical legacies like the Yam festival will never be forgotten.

Since May 8, 2018, as part of re-branding processes, the name of the festival was changed to Teza (Yam Festival) to reflect the history and culture of the people.

Going down memory lane, in October 2003, as customs demanded, the Kingmakers, of Asogli State, installed the God given Chief for the people of the Asogli. The texts of the inaugural address delivered by the new Chief, Togbe Afede XIV, are very inspirational. And is of no surprise that his efforts have brought the Yam festival this far.

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Togbe made it clear in that speech that, “through my oath, I have marked a new beginning of Asogli state, for, the deplorable state of our education and health infrastructure are problems of our time and they deserve solutions during our time”.

As a living witness, the Asorgli State has witnessed tremendous development, investments and educational scholarships under the leadership of Torgbi Afede XIV. And his commitment to his oath of office is reflective on how the “Teza” of the people of Asorgli is always topical, though other communities in and around Ho also celebrate the same festival separately.

                         Photo credit: "Bonecstasyimages"

12 years ago, in July 2012, I personally wrote on Togbe Afede XIV, which was published on,,, among others on the great gift that Togbe Afede is to the people of Volta in particular and to the country in general. And I have no regrets, because Togbe has even achieved many things beyond my expectations and what my younger self foresaw 12 years back.

This is not how the Asorgli Yam festival celebration was in the past. Togbe has given life to this festival and it is among the best in Ghana that everyone, including foreigners look up to. The festival has boosted tourism and economic activities, making September each year a joyous one for everyone in and around the Asorgli State. And the rest of the months great for the people.

Togbe is truly a role model to this generation and to his colleague Chiefs. That is why it wasn’t surprising to me, when Dormahene, Oseadeyo Agyemang Badu II in his speech last year made it clear that Togbe has opened the door for them to freely talk about national issues irrespective of what.


                       Photo credit: Asorgli State's website

That is a true leader. To Togbe Afede, “outlook is influenced by a set of believes, he believes that success should be measured not only by the level one has attained, but also by the obstacles one had to overcome while trying to succeed. Togbe sees difficulties as part of life”.

To him, “a new obstacle is only another challenge, and a life that is not tested is not worth living”. Togbe has positive attitudes in the conduct of his businesses; therefore, his focus is on the opportunities not the difficulties.

He believes that success requires hard work, imagination, honesty, altruism, and absolute commitment to one’s chosen career”.  And all these are reflective in the success and progress of the celebration of the “Teza” or Yam festival of the good people of Asorgli State.

He is a great Chief, who seriously believes in the progress and development of the Asorgli State, Volta region and want Ghana to succeed at all cost irrespective of what and he must be fully supported at all cost.

May the reign of Togbe Afede XIV, the "Agbogbomefia" of Asorgli State remains forever.

By Charles Atsyatsya






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