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(Security): About 20 Dead in Burkina Faso’s latest attack by Jihadists

Twenty people were killed in Burkina Faso on Sunday in an attack by suspected jihadists in Nohao, near the town of Bittou, in the Center-East region bordering Togo.

Another merchant reported "ten wounded", evacuated to Bittou, where traders were returning after going to the market in Cinkansé, a trading town on the Togo border.

Since 2015, Burkina has been caught in a spiral of violence perpetrated by jihadist groups affiliated with the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda. action (Acled), including more than 5,000 since the start of 2023.

This violence has also led to the displacement of more than two million people inside the country.

In mid-July, President and Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who came to power in September 2022 by a coup d'etat, deplored "increasingly recurrent attacks against civilians", believing that the jihadists were showing "cowardice".


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