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(Politics): South Africa Gears Up for BRICS Summit 2023 amidst Uncertainties


The Brics countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will meet in South Africa on August 22-24, 2023. Organisers have said that the summit aims to spearhead a fairer global governance system and push back against the economic dominance of Western nations, writes Isaac Mugabi for Deutsche Welle.

The invitation to Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend in person, proved a diplomatic headache for the South African government, as it preceded an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court in the Hague, for Putin's arrest for war crimes committed in the invasion of the Ukraine. It has since been confirmed that Putin will attend via a live link.

South Africa's relationship with Russia and its decision to remain neutral on Ukraine has not been well received by the West, particularly the U.S. which has tried to get South Africa removed from hosting the Agoa 2023 meeting and to get trade tariffs which the country enjoys, removed.


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