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(Security): Congo-Kinshasa’s Killings and Rapes by Rwanda-Backed M23 Rebels


Rwanda-backed M23 rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have committed unlawful killings, rape, and other apparent war crimes since late 2022, Human Rights Watch said today.

Attacks with explosive weapons in populated areas of North Kivu province have killed and injured civilians, damaged infrastructure, and exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis. Armed groups opposing the M23 have also committed rape.

The Rwandan army has deployed troops to Eastern Congo to provide direct military support to the M23, helping them expand control over Rutshuru and neighboring Masisi territories. The United Nations Security Council should add M23 leaders, as well as Rwandan officials who are assisting the abusive armed group, to the Council's existing sanctions list.

"The M23's unrelenting killings and rapes are bolstered by the military support Rwandan commanders provide the rebel armed group," said Clémentine de Montjoye, Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. "Both Congo and Rwanda have an obligation to hold M23 commanders accountable for their crimes along with any Rwandan officials supporting them.


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