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(Security): Victims of November 2020 Uganda Killings Narrate their Ordeals Fighting for Freedom


Uganda torture victims on Thursday narrated their ordeals in the hands of security officers. The victims spoke during the Ugandan human rights conference in Nairobi. From arrests, abductions and torture are physically confirmed by marks on their bodies.

Each of them bears the scars of what they said are the costs of fighting for freedom in their country. Some have no fingers, legs or arms while others continue to nurse injuries.

A University student, Seruga Moses said, “I don't feel like I want to continue with my education anymore, the pain and trauma are too much. I have undergone nine surgeries as a result of the torture. If you tell me you want to kill me today, I will just look at you. I'm no longer scared.”

Another victim, Zubeda Ishmail also said, “My husband was abducted at his garage and taken to an unknown destination, he has never returned. My children are always asking me about him”. Sadly, Zubeda's leg has been amputated.

Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine, who was among those present said they are only demanding to be treated as human beings. He said it was time the international community join Ugandans in ending tyrannical rule.

Kisa Besigye on his part said they are not in the country to lament but to raise their voices to be heard.

The theme of the conference was dubbed "We stand together". The group was in the country at the invitation of the Kenya National Human Rights Commission. The organisers said they were unable to hold the event in their country due to the prevailing political environment.

The survivors were allegedly arrested by security forces on a day spontaneous protests rocked Uganda in November 2020, two months before the general election. Bobi Wine who was challenging Museveni in the presidential election was expected to hold a rally at Luula in Eastern Uganda when he was arrested.

In this incidence, at least 54 were killed and several others were injured and arrested in the protests. The victims who the organisers termed as a fraction, explained their traumatising experiences. One man recounted how he was forced to drink human blood from a man whose throat had been slit.


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