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Why NDC will Lose 4.8% in the Volta Region & the Party seen like Supporting a Football team - Opinion polls

Scientific research is very credible and something that I cherish so much when it comes to politics. And opinion polls are also very credible, and my argument today will be based on an opinion poll, which by extension is the reflection of what is on the ground in the Volta region of Ghana.

Today, I will attempt to answer why in my opinion and that of others, the votes of NDC will likely reduce again by 4.8% of their previous performance. In 2020 presidential election, NDC had 84.8% and NPP had 14.1% of the vote cast in the region. If elections are conducted today, NDC will reduce by 4.8% of the vote cast to 80%, NPP 18.6% and the rest 1.4%.

It is valid to state that, NPP gained 3.3% from 2016 to 2020 as NDC lose 2.9% from 2016 to 2020 in the Volta region.

And the total number of votes that will be cast in 2024 will also reduce for the NDC and may not entirely go to NPP. Hence, the people that will cast for the NDC will reduce and some will be shared by NPP and other smaller parties.

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Per the sample size, details of which will be published later, most of the people see supporting NDC in the Volta region just like supporting a football team. Where you will not have food to eat and be hungry but going home saying “my team has bought a player worth thousands of dollars”.

The first and foremost reason why NDC’s votes will reduce is voter apathy. We can agree that Ghana is facing economic challenges as a result of an accumulative effects of successive governments. But when an old pot breaks on your head from the river side, it is the one using it at the time that will be blamed.

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However, in as much as the citizens of Ghana are heaping all the blames on the current government, this will not have much effect on the enthusiasm of some people who are largely NDC members or voters from the Volta region to go to the poll to vote. Because they have given up on both the NDC and the NPP and will simply not waste their time on either of them.

This is practically because NDC doesn’t even do anything for them only that at least they are emotionally satisfied identifying with the colours of the party and the old Rawlings’ factor. And most of the Ewes representing them now at the top don’t take their people serious and they are disenchanted.

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Why will an Ex. President going to campaign in the Volta region that he and his former appointees neglected for years and still be in an excessively expensive convoy burning fuel and donating very meagre amounts at programmes?

This brings me to the next point of how stingy most members of the NDC at the leadership positions are when it comes to taking care of their own communicators and serious members in the region. Some of them are even fed by their opponents after radio discussions and debates in the Volta region.

How shameful can that be? If you can’t take care of your own people, how much more those that are far from you?

Most of the NDC MPs are complacent, unserious politically and take their people for granted.

The only time you see them on the ground is when the flagbearer is coming to their areas. That is bad and won’t help the party though they are still seeing the Volta region as their “world bank”.

Just take a look at how visible the NPP presidential candidate is? He is “touching base” and meeting those that matter when it comes to winning votes. Not the NDC only going to the homes of some few aligned Chiefs and claiming to be campaigning in the Volta region.

Some of those chiefs don’t even have any power to influence their sub chiefs and households, how can they help the NDC as a party in the Volta region? 

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The Vice President Bawumia is all over the place campaigning seriously with policies as the NDC just organize rallies and gatherings only to complain and mock their opponents. There will be shocks in December 2024 if nothing stringent is done.

Talking about the Chiefs, what about the disrespect towards some of them because they may have been seen as belonging or aligning with other political parties?

The people of the Volta region are always taken for granted by the NDC. The strange campaign promises, talks and struggling to look like them through family relations won’t help this time. The NDC has hurt many people in the region. But is obvious that those members who they always contact and deal with are as usual giving them false hopes.

The people are tired of being taken as “Crabs in a pot”. And they can’t find complete hope in the NPP too so they will abstain from voting.

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Dr. Bawumia and Kennedy Agyapong’s factors. Kennedy led in the NPP flag-bearership contest in the region and his dominance will play a role, despite some of his old utterances about the people in the region. The people that voted for Ken and their families will make an impact in the 2024 elections. Likewise, the fresh grounding that Vice President Bawumia is having in the Volta region will bring shocks and surprises to the NDC.

In conclusion, I can project that based on opinion polls and observations right from the grounds in the Volta region of Ghana, NDC will lose 4.8% of the votes they had in 2020 to Voter apathy and the works of the NPP in the region as well as the influence of other minor political parties. Unless some miracle happens.

Contributor at OneForumNews1

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