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Ghana is at a Crossroad

Ghana as a nation has come a long way. What we urgently need is momentum and continuity in the pursuit of what I will call “Ghanaian Dream, Ghanaian Opportunities and the Ghanaian Possibilities”.

The first President of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and our fore-bearers sacrificed and toiled to bring us freedom and independence. They did their part and the baton is now in our grips. Whether we succeed or fail, posterity will judge us. But we must at least do our best and ensure a smooth handover of better Ghana to the next generation. 

We must bury our religious and tribal differences and remember that Ghana is all that we have.

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As a Progressive youth, I believe we must keep the momentum of digitization by the Vice President Bawumia led NPP, inclusive and affordable quality education for our youth.

The “24-Hour Economy” policy by former President Mahama and the NDC, is a laudable initiative that experts must be given the opportunity to explain to the layman’s understanding. As I can envisage that when implemented properly, it will go a long way to reduce the high unemployment situations in the Country.

I Personally think, regardless of the outcome of the December 7, 2024, Presidential and Parliamentary elections, the 24-hour Economy policy must be adopted as a novel National job creation policy, for the progress and prosperity of Ghana.

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I dare argue that we must encourage the culture of meritocracy among the youth of this country. Not encouraging indolence by giving jobs to unqualified youth and leaving the qualified ones to their fates.

As citizens of Ghana, we must consolidate our gains, forge ahead with renewed hope, with the firm believe that our tomorrow will be bigger, better and greater than our today.

It is my sincere believe, going forward, Ghana needs a clear-cut National Integrated Developmental plan backed by law, which every successive government must commit to. And act effectively and efficiently when entrusted with the people’s mandate to rule this Country.

Finally, we must believe that a modernized, digitized and a transformative Ghana is very possible and achievable.

God bless our homeland Ghana.

Pst. Alexander King Doku

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