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Why H. E. John Mahama Must not Pick his Running mate from the Volta Region

Volta region of Ghana as always is considered as the “World bank” of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), because they always vote massively for the party. And as a result, many are calling on Mr. John Mahama who hails from the Northern part of the country and is the Flagbearer of the party to pick his running mate from the Volta region, which is at the southern part.

However, as a concern citizen of the Volta Region and “Apolitical” when it comes to the development of the region, I beg to differ. Because all the people being thrown about to be given that golden opportunity have not done anything significant when it comes to the development of the region though they had opportunities in the past.

And were also not able to make any serious human development, but prefer to keep the hoi polloi at the base to keep on calling them “Honourables. For the records, “Honourable” is only technically used to describe members of Parliament when their constituencies are mentioned. Like Honourable member of Parliament for the “Zego” Constituency, Mr. or Mrs. Nyikplorkpor.

Keeping straight to my thoughts, not to digress, most of the names coming up to be considered as running mates for the opposition NDC were all people who occupied serious positions in the past. But the question is what have they done for their people in the Volta Region when they were in those positions?

It is said that, if the little at your disposal can not be used effectively and efficiently, then you cannot be trusted with a bigger one like the Running mate and eventually the Vice president on the ticket of the NDC.

To the youth, please do this for Volta by rejecting this crop of older NDC generation from the Volta region and groom someone younger to fight for the Flagbearership for your party. You deserve the best not always be treated as subordinates.

Some may argue, why not get this opportunity now and fight for the future later. I dare say that the future begins from now. If this is allowed this time and a running mate is picked from these folks of highly Disappointing older NDC generation from the Volta Region, arguments will be raised later if effective and developmentally inclined young ones want to join the race as Flagbearer of the NDC.

Friends in the NDC, do not support this older generation of NDC members from the Volta region to be given this opportunity, they will waste it again. They have Failed the region in a grand style and they should not be given this opportunity.

Just take a look at the recent flooding that happened in “Mepe” in particular and some other parts of the Southern Volta region in general. None of the names we are hearing now to be picked as running mates because they are from the Volta region has made any “Significant” donations to the people.

I am not talking about some of them escorting other well wishers to go and donate. Nothing significant from them to the people of the affected communities. Some may argue that they contributed to others who made donations.

They contributed what? A packet of toilet roll or a bag of rice or bags of sachet water or some few cedis that any ordinary person can donate?

I am talking about Significant donations that they will really feel they have donated. And is then we know that if they are entrusted with that position as running mate they can do something significant. Not only perpetuating selfishness and encouraging indolence.

This is not to say that becoming a running mate you have to donate. There are other competencies that must also be considered, which some of them have. However, “a maize plant that will yield, is seen from its infancy”.

Just take a look at the roads leading to the private homes of some of these individuals that are parading themselves to be made running mates, is that something to be proud of ?  look at the individual communities these people are from, whose lives have they impacted significantly? Is there any significant project done by these people before the youths are still supporting them to be made running mates?

Please they will only block the chances for some great and promising young ladies and gentlemen from the Volta region that are in the NDC from becoming Flagbearers and eventually Presidents. Because the other party members may feel that they have already satisfied all of you members from the Volta region by giving you a running mate, who with 100% certainty will never bring any developmental projects for you and to the region. “By their fruits, we know them”!

The people from the Volta region who are in the NDC, wake up and choose to defend and protect your future of becoming Flagbearers, not giving this opportunity to these old folks that don’t even think about the Volta region in anyway, shape or form.

The pretence is too much, Wake up.

An Opinion Piece:


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