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Some-Tutu-Za 2023, Let us Stop the Litigations and Develop - Torgbiga Adamah III told his People

In his address at the Some-Tutu-Za 2023 held at Agbozume in the Ketu South Municipal of the Volta Region, the President of the Some Traditional Council, Torgbiga Adamah III called on all the Chiefs and people of Some to unite for development.

He also asked the citizens and the guests to support their developmental projects, including construction of good roads in the communities, building of a health facility, reconstruction of the Xedranawo and Agbozume markets, provision of potable water among others.

Torgbiga also highlighted some educational support initiatives that he and his chiefs have taken to improve teaching and learning.  And other rehabilitation project works that some illustrious sons and daughters of Some have done including the rehabilitation of the health Center and renovation of their markets.

                               Fianugor Womegbeameo and other Priests & Priestesses

He lamented that numerous legal issues that he has been bedeviled with since his installation have made it very difficult for him to achieve his planned developmental projects for his people. And therefore, called for unity for all the chiefs and people so that together they can development their towns and villages.

On his part, the former president of Ghana, Mr. John Dramani Mahama who was the Special Guest of honour, reiterated his promises to help develop the area and facilitate provision of some amenities to the community when voted into office.  

The Some-Tutu-Za is an annual celebration for the chiefs and people of Some Traditional Council of the Volta Region to raise funds for development. And this year’s was under the theme “Unifying all of Some for total development”.

There was great display of rich Some tradition and culture. And prior to the main durbar of Chiefs and people, were other events, including the mini durbar held by the school children from Basic schools in the area.

The occasion was graced by the General Secretary of NDC Mr. Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, who hails from the area, the Honourable MP for Ketu South Constituency, Madam Dzifa Gomashie, the MCE of Ketu South, Mr. Maxwell Lugudor, the High Priest of Torgbi Adzima’s shrine of Klikor, Torgbi Fianugor Womegbeameo, Minao Ladzeshie of Nogokpo, Chiefs and people from other communities in and around the Some traditional area and other dignitaries.


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