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(Security): France’s Macron says Putin made 'huge mistake' in Ditching Grain Deal

France's President Emmanuel Macron warned Russia on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, that Vladimir Putin had made a terrible mistake in pulling out of a deal to protect Black Sea grain exports.

After a summit between European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders, Macron said countries reliant on Ukrainian and Russian grain would see that Russia is not to be trusted.

"He decided to weaponise food, and I think this is a huge mistake," said Macron.

On Monday, Russia refused to extend a deal brokered by the UN and Turkey to allow safe passage for grain cargo ships from Ukrainian Black Sea ports.

The move threatens to cut off already reduced food supplies on which vulnerable populations in grain importing nations are dependent.

"And, I mean, I'm thinking of other Middle Eastern, African and even Asian countries very much dependent on this agreement, which will be impacted by the unilateral decision of Russia," Macron said, speaking in English.

"I think for those who were still doubting about the sincerity of President Putin, and his commitment to the common good. I mean, the answer is very clear."


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