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(Health): A UN Call to Protect Africa and the World from Pandemics

The 194 Member States of the World Health Organization are currently negotiating the first pandemic accord. Acknowledging that the world learned many hard lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, governments have agreed that effective mechanisms must be put in place to prevent, prepare, and better respond to the next global health threat.

Nations now negotiating the pandemic accord include every African country.

Dr Precious Matsoso, Co-chair of the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to Draft and Negotiate a WHO Convention, and Dr Sultani Matendechero, a member of the Bureau for the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations, write that the accord represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect the world from a future pandemic. "It is vital that we heed the lessons of Covid-19 to make quantum improvements in the way the world prevents, prepares for, and responds to infectious disease threats," they write.

They call on Africans to supporting their governments to help determine the best possible measures to protect us all from the next pandemic.


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