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(Health): New Study Reveals That Needle-Free Acupuncture Could Help You Lose Weight

A recent study discovered that 6-point stimulation of the outer ear with simple metal beads helped reduce waist circumference, body fat, and BMI in men living with obesity.

According to recent research presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Dublin, Ireland (17-20 May), ear acupuncture using metal beads, when paired with a restricted diet, can assist in weight loss, lowering body mass index (BMI), and reducing body fat. The research was conducted by Dr. Takahiro Fujimoto and his team from Clinic F, Tokyo, Japan.

The findings propose that acupuncture stimulation with beads is an easier approach to control food cravings compared to the traditional use of intradermal needles, which typically necessitate the skills of a professional acupuncturist.

“Since these tiny metal beads are attached to six points on the outer ear that stimulate nerves and organs which regulate appetite, satiety, and hunger, this type of acupuncture does not require complex knowledge or skill,” explains Dr Fujimoto. “In Japan, this method to aid weight loss has been used for over 30 years.”

In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is based on the understanding that your health depends on the flow of qi (energy) in your body.

This energy travels along invisible pathways, known as meridians, that are found throughout your body, including your ears. A blocked or disrupted flow of qi can have a negative effect on your physical and mental health.


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