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(G. News): Archbishop Agyin Asare’s Past “Cut Opened” in the Wake of Nogokpo Saga

Today marks the sixth day since the Chiefs and the good people of Nogokpo in the Volta region of Ghana issued 14 days ultimatum to Bishop Charles Agyin Asare who described himself on various platforms of been a serious drug addict in the past.

The self acclaimed past drug addict who is now an archbishop of Perez Chapel International bluntly demonized the Nogokpo town in particular and the Volta Region in general because of something that allegedly happened to one of his pastors many years ago.

So the question the hopolloi are asking is, if they should go by his reasoning, because he Agyin Asare admitted himself that he was a drug addict, can it be said that he made those comments against Nogokpo and Volta region under the influence of the drugs that he was addicted to many years ago?

We thought our bible says in Luke 6:37 that “thou shall not judge”? Then how come someone who claimed to be righteous and chose to recklessly demonize the others can’t obey his own scriptures?

The 1992 Constitution of Ghana as amended in 1996 stated under (Art. 17) that:

(2)A person shall not be discriminated against on grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic origin, Religion, creed or social or economic status. So what is wrong with this man who described himself as a serious drug addict in the past?

Currently, not much is heard from him as he ran away from his home country, Ghana probably seeking for spiritual interventions. And his followers and sympathizers are in the media displaying the same ignorance that made he Agyin Asare to make those comments.

The good people of Nogokpo and their Chiefs are going about their normal duties without even caring about whether he honours the summon or not. It is reported, and we sighted a statement from the National Peace Council of Ghana about their intentions and actions. We only hope that is not the same Peace Council we know of.

What must be established is that, Nogokpo township houses a lot of Churches, including Assemblies of God, Pentecost, Catholic and even his own church Perez chapel International. And the Catholic church, Saint Jude is right at the center of the Nogokpo township since 1999.

Christians and Traditionalists live together in harmony and even discuss the bible together. And there are reported instances that some traditional believers visit churches occasionally to worship with them. Which display how religious tolerant the good people of Nogokpo and the Volta region are.

So it was completely out of ignorance and religious “fanaticism” that Bishop Agyin Asare made those reckless comments.

To those who are on the fence supporting him and disrespecting the people of Nogokpo and Volta region in general, you should remember that the Gods of Nogokpo and Volta region are Gods that give opportunity to people to be heard and redress given, failure of which they act. So they should better stop daring these Gods.

These Gods are used for healing, restoring peace, curbing strange sicknesses and diseases.

These are the Gods that led and directed our fore fathers since time immemorial. And very large number of today’s Christians still go to these Gods for redress and helps in times of needs and afflictions. So be cautioned when making your loose comments on social media.

One thing that is worth noting is, when a traditionalist tells you that you are “Powerless” you must know that he or she knows what he or she is saying. Because they will never say such things in vacuum.

So you “boys and girls” who are on social media daring people of Nogokpo and annoying them, be humbled and stop raising your shoulders. The Gods of Nogokpo and Volta will fight their battles. And their Modus Operandi is not what you are saying and expecting on social media or in the media. Those Gods are mysterious.

You better stop adding insults to injury for the people of Nogokpo in particular and Volta region in general. And allow your leader Bishop Charles Agyin Asare who is doing things underground and using other people at your blind sides to resolve the issue to get it resolved amicably.

Please to our distinguished Chiefs and leaders of Nogokpo and Volta region, this generation and the generations to come will never forgive you if you disappoint them this time. They are interested in seeing and hearing everything about this case done in the media at the full glare of everybody. Not underground and some few people will be bribed and the case buried.

This is about the image of the citizens not any parochial individuals.

The youths are putting their lives and careers on the line to defend Nogokpo in particular and Volta region in general. They are watching those who are quiet on this matter and posterity will judge all of them.

Enough is Enough!

Long live Torgbi Sabah V, Dufia of Nogokpo for coming to the defence of his people. Nogokpo is for Peace, Volta region is for Peace and Peace we need for Ghana.


Reference: GhanaWeb TV





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