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(Health): Make COVID-19 the Last Pandemic, G7 Summit Leaders Told

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the former president of Liberia, and Helen Clark, the former prime minister of New Zealand, have issued a joint statement urging leaders attending the upcoming G7 Summit to make concrete commitments to pandemic preparedness and response. They said the need for sustained political momentum between health emergencies, as historical patterns indicate that the world tends to forget past health crises and neglect the necessary preparedness measures to prevent future ones.

The statement highlights the significant impact and valuable lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, which they describe as the most catastrophic global event of this century. Johnson Sirleaf and Clark stress that G7 leaders must pledge specific actions to ensure that another pandemic of such magnitude never occurs.

They called upon not only the G7 leaders but also the leaders of the G20 and the entire membership of the United Nations General Assembly to make crucial decisions that will effectively address health threats wherever and whenever they emerge.

In addition, the World Food Programme (WFP) is urging the G7 countries to encourage their partners and allies to increase their support in addressing global food and nutrition security challenges.



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