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(Security): South Africa Declares National Disaster after Floods in Seven Provinces

South Africa declared a state of national disaster on Monday, February 13, 2023 after floods caused by heavy rains in recent days have already left 7 people dead and others missing, according to disaster management centers in several provinces.

"The government has declared a state of national disaster to enable a sustained and coordinated response to the impact of the floods," the presidency said in a statement.

A national toll has not yet been released. But the bad weather threatens 7 provinces out of 9 that the country has, mainly on the east coast, open to the Indian Ocean.

At least five people died in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN, south-east), according to Nonala Ndlovu, spokeswoman of the disaster management center of the coastal province.

Among them is a newborn baby, who died in the flooding of a house, according to a statement. And several people are missing after trying to cross a flooded river.

South Africa experienced the worst flooding in its history last year, mainly affecting Durban (KZN), the country's third largest city and a major port on the continent. Heavy rains triggered impressive mudslides that swept away people, bridges, roads and entire buildings.

The storms last year killed more than 400 people and affected more than 85,000. 


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