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(Crime): 11 Soldiers Killed and Several injured in Al Shebab attack on Military Camp in Somalia

In Somalia, a local militia commander told the press on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 that 11 soldiers were killed in an attack on a military camp by the radical Islamist group Al Shebab. This comes a day after the government announced the recapture of a strategic town.

"The jihadists first blew up a vehicle loaded with explosives and then attacked a military camp in Hawadley," said Mohamed Osman, commander of a local militia allied with the government. Eleven members of the army, including a commander, were killed and "dozens of terrorists were killed," he added.

The Al Shebab have been fighting the internationally backed federal government since 2007. Driven out of the country's main cities in 2011-2012, they remain firmly entrenched in large rural areas and terrorizing citizens.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, who returned to power in May 2022, has promised an "all-out war" against the Islamist group, and recently described its members as bedbugs. In September, he sent the army including special forces to support local militias, known as "macawisley", who have rebelled against the Al shebab.





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