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(Politics): Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro Challenges Election results after Losing to Lula da Silva


Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro has challenged the election he lost in October 2022 to his political arch-rival, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He is arguing that votes from some machines should be "invalidated".

Bolsonaro's coalition said its audit of the October 30, second-round runoff between Bolsonaro and Lula had found "signs of irreparable malfunction" in some electronic voting machines. Hence the need for re-run.

Lula da Silva
Quoting them, "there were signs of serious failures that generate uncertainties and make it impossible to validate the results generated" in older models of the voting machines”. As a result, they urged that the votes from those models should be invalidated.

What is obvious is Bolsonaro's claim seems unlikely to get far, as Lula's victory has been ratified by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and acknowledged by Brazil's leading politicians and the international community.

The Supreme Court justice, Alexandre de Moraes who currently leads the TSE, said in a ruling on Tuesday November 22, 2022, that Bolsonaro's right-wing electoral coalition, which filed the complaint, must present its full audit for both rounds of last month's vote within 24 hours, or he would reject it.


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