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(Crime): Texas Parents Charged after 7-year-old son was found Dead in Washing Machine

The authorities in Texas said the adoptive parents of a Texas 7-year-old boy whose body was found inside a washing machine have been arrested in connection to his death. Jemaine Thomas, 42, was charged with capital murder in connection to the July death of his son, Troy Khoeler, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez announced Tuesday night, November 15, 2022.

Thomas’ wife, Tiffany, 35, was charged with injury to a child by omission. The couple first reported Troy missing from their Spring home in the early hours of July 28, 2022. A search of the residence later that morning led to the discovery of the child’s body in a top-loading washing machine in the garage.

An autopsy subsequently revealed that Troy, a former foster child adopted by the Thomases in 2019, had been "beaten, suffocated and possibly drowned," the Sun Herald reported. Blood evidence was also allegedly found throughout the home, including in the washing machine.

According to Gonzalez, the autopsy revealed that Troy suffered new and previous injuries.

Court documents filed on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, alleged that the couple threatened to put Troy in the oven after he confessed to eating some of Tiffany’s oatmeal cream pie, KPRC reported.

Prosecutors also made the claim that text messages between the couple revealed that Jemaine was furious that the child ate his doughnut sticks; the text message reads, "I need to get the [locks]. I’m going to end up killing him."

Records established that both Jemaine and Tiffany remain in Harris County Jail on bonds of $2 million and $150,000, respectively. 


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